Thursday, February 16, 2017

Java 8 Optional examples and usage

        Why OptionalUse it with streams , use it in your return types, make your code safer against to the NPE, make your code more readable...This allows the caller to continue a chain of fluent method calls.

And NoteThe key here is the focus on use as a return type. The class is definitively not intended for use as a property of a Java Bean. Witness to this is that Optional does not implement Serializable, which is generally necessary for widespread use as a property of an object.

If you really wonder what will change in your life with this new Stolen keyword (from Guava) you'd better to read its origin.

More code & less bullshit.. Lets see its usage then..

And you can use in streams as follows

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Java 8 Lambda Building Blocks: Predicate, Function, Consumer, Supplier, BinaryOperator

Let the code explain itself..Be quiet...And read..


Java 8 Lambda Expressions

I'll try to explain the topic according to my motto --"No bullshit , Just Code.."

1) SAM= Single Abstract Method = An Interface with Only One Method = Functional Interface

2) A class with a method which will consume a lambda expression

3) Now.. Actionnn...Lambda expression as a parameter

Okeyy... I know some of you need bullshit also :)

If you want to pass a behavior to a parameter (behavior= function=action) just create an interface and annotate it @FunctionalInterface and use Lambda Syntax like i did in above.

(param1,param2,,,,,paramN) -> {play with params}

Java 8 lots of built in @FunctionalInterface inside it. You can use them anywhere you need. Just  google for them .


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Adapter Pattern VS Decorator Patter VS Facade Pattern VS Proxy Pattern VS Bridge Pattern - Summary - Table

I know this is not very presentable but it is easier to remember design patterns in the below format (at least for me).
Above is a list of Structural Design Patterns.
All of them is encapsulates some objects or interfaces and delegates the calls to them at the bottom . 
So what is difference between them on top of their behaviour ?
The difference is your intent !

And I don't recommend you to memorize them .Just read them once and hope to get an inspiration when you needed those.

Just encapsulate and delegate. --From "The Joy of Painting"