package deneme01; |
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; |
import java.util.*; |
class Node { |
public Node parent; |
int data, depth, weight; |
Node left, right; |
int height; |
boolean ignore; |
public Node(int data) { |
this.data = data; |
} |
public boolean isLeaf() { |
if (left == null && right == null) |
return true; |
else return false; |
} |
@Override |
public String toString() { |
return "" + data; |
} |
} |
@NoArgsConstructor |
class Tree { |
Node root; |
public Tree(Node root) { |
this.root = root; |
} |
public void preOrderRecursive(Node node) { |
if (node == null) { |
return; |
} |
System.out.print (" " + node.data); |
preOrderRecursive (node.left); |
preOrderRecursive (node.right); |
} |
public void inOrderRecursive(Node node) { |
if (node == null) { |
return; |
} |
preOrderRecursive (node.left); |
System.out.print (" " + node.data); |
preOrderRecursive (node.right); |
} |
public void postOrderRecursive(Node node) { |
if (node == null) { |
return; |
} |
preOrderRecursive (node.left); |
preOrderRecursive (node.right); |
System.out.print (" " + node.data); |
} |
public void preOrderIterative() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
stack.push (root); |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print (" " + pop.data); |
if (pop.right != null) stack.push (pop.right); |
if (pop.left != null) stack.push (pop.left); |
} |
} |
public void inOrderIterative() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
Node current = root; |
while (!stack.isEmpty () || null != current) { |
if (current != null) { |
stack.push (current); |
current = current.left; |
} else { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print (" " + pop.data); |
current = pop.right; |
} |
} |
} |
public void postOrderIterative() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
stack.push (root); |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node peek = stack.peek (); |
if (peek.isLeaf ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print (" " + pop.data); |
} else { |
if (peek.right != null) { |
stack.push (peek.right); |
peek.right = null; |
} |
if (peek.left != null) { |
stack.push (peek.left); |
peek.left = null; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public void bfsRecursive() { |
int height = Math.max (height (root.left), height (root.right)) + 1; |
for (int i = 1; i <= height; i++) { |
bfs (root, i); |
System.out.println (""); |
} |
} |
private void bfs(Node node, int height) { |
if (node == null) { |
return; |
} |
if (height == 1) { |
System.out.print (" " + node.data); |
} else if (height > 1) { |
bfs (node.left, height - 1); |
bfs (node.right, height - 1); |
} |
} |
public void bfsIterative() { |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
root.depth = 0; |
queue.add (root); |
int currentDepth = root.depth; |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
if (currentDepth != poll.depth) { |
System.out.println (""); |
currentDepth = poll.depth; |
} |
System.out.print (" " + poll.data); |
if (poll.left != null) { |
poll.left.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.left); |
} |
if (poll.right != null) { |
poll.right.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.right); |
} |
} |
} |
public void bfsIterativeBottom2Top() { |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
queue.add (root); |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
//System.out.print(" " + poll.data); |
stack.push (poll); |
if (poll.right != null) { |
queue.add (poll.right); |
} |
if (poll.left != null) { |
queue.add (poll.left); |
} |
} |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print (" " + pop.data); |
} |
} |
public int size() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
stack.push (root); |
int size = 0; |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
size++; |
if (pop.right != null) { |
stack.push (pop.right); |
} |
if (pop.left != null) { |
stack.push (pop.left); |
} |
} |
return size; |
} |
public int height() { |
return height (root); |
} |
private int height(Node node) { |
if (node == null) { |
return 0; |
} |
return Math.max (height (node.left), height (node.right)) + 1; |
} |
public Node insert(int x) { |
return insert (x, root); |
} |
public Node insert(int x, Node node) { |
if (node == null) { |
node = new Node (x); |
} |
if (x < node.data) { |
node = insert (x, node); |
if (x < node.left.data) { |
node = rightRotate (node); |
} else { |
node = doubleRightRotate (node); |
} |
} else if (x > node.data) { |
node = insert (x, node); |
if (x > node.right.data) { |
node = leftRotate (node); |
} else { |
node = doubleLeftRotate (node); |
} |
} else { |
//duplicate , ignore |
} |
return node; |
} |
private Node doubleRightRotate(Node node) { |
node.left = leftRotate (node.left); |
return rightRotate (node); |
} |
private Node rightRotate(Node k1) { |
Node k2 = k1.left; |
k1.left = k2.right; |
k2.right = k1; |
k1.height = Math.max (height (k1.left), height (k1.left)) + 1; |
k2.height = Math.max (height (k2.left), height (k2.left)) + 1; |
return k2; |
} |
private Node doubleLeftRotate(Node node) { |
node.right = rightRotate (node.right); |
return leftRotate (node); |
} |
private Node leftRotate(Node k1) { |
Node k2 = k1.right; |
k1.right = k2.left; |
k2.left = k1; |
k1.height = Math.max (height (k1.left), height (k1.left)) + 1; |
k2.height = Math.max (height (k2.left), height (k2.left)) + 1; |
return k2; |
} |
public void findMaxDepth() { |
Stack<Node> nodes = new Stack<> (); |
root.depth = 0; |
nodes.push (root); |
int maxDepth = 0; |
while (!nodes.isEmpty ()) { |
Node current = nodes.pop (); |
System.out.printf ("%s ", current.data); |
if (maxDepth < current.depth) { |
maxDepth = current.depth; |
} |
if (current.right != null) { |
current.right.depth = current.depth + 1; |
nodes.push (current.right); |
} |
if (current.left != null) { |
current.left.depth = current.depth + 1; |
nodes.push (current.left); |
} |
} |
System.out.println ("maxDepth = " + maxDepth); |
} |
//shortest path = breadth first search |
public void findMinDepth() { |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
root.depth = 0; |
queue.add (root); |
int minDepth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
if (poll.isLeaf () && minDepth > poll.depth) { |
minDepth = poll.depth; |
} |
System.out.print (" " + poll.data); |
if (poll.left != null) { |
poll.left.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.left); |
} |
if (poll.right != null) { |
poll.right.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.right); |
} |
} |
System.out.println ("minDepth = " + minDepth); |
} |
//fix this!!! |
public void traverseAndCalculateNodeTotalWeightTop2Bottom() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
root.weight = root.data; |
stack.push (root); |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node peek = stack.peek (); |
if (peek.isLeaf ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print ("[ " + pop.data + " nw:" + pop.weight + "] "); |
} else { |
if (peek.right != null) { |
peek.right.weight = peek.weight + peek.right.data; |
stack.push (peek.right); |
peek.right = null; |
} |
if (peek.left != null) { |
peek.left.weight = peek.weight + peek.left.data; |
stack.push (peek.left); |
peek.left = null; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
public int[] averageInEachLevel() { |
int[] averages = new int[height (root)]; |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
queue.add (root); |
int currentDepth = 0; |
root.depth = 0; |
int levelSum = 0, levelMember = 0; |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
if (currentDepth != poll.depth) { |
System.out.print (" => sum: " + levelSum + " member: " + levelMember); |
averages[poll.depth - 1] = levelSum / levelMember; |
levelMember = 0; |
levelSum = 0; |
System.out.println (" "); |
currentDepth = poll.depth; |
} |
levelSum += poll.data; |
levelMember++; |
System.out.print (" " + poll.data); |
if (poll.left != null) { |
poll.left.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.left); |
} |
if (poll.right != null) { |
poll.right.depth = poll.depth + 1; |
queue.add (poll.right); |
} |
} |
averages[averages.length - 1] = levelSum / levelMember; |
return averages; |
} |
public Double[] averageInEachLevel2() { |
ArrayList<Double> averages = new ArrayList<> (); |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
queue.add (root); |
List<List<Node>> levelMembers = new ArrayList<> (); |
ArrayList<Node> rootLevel = new ArrayList<> (); |
rootLevel.add (root); |
levelMembers.add (rootLevel); |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
double count = queue.size (); |
double sum = 0; |
ArrayList currentLevel = new ArrayList<> (); |
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
sum += poll.data; |
if (poll.right != null) { |
queue.add (poll.right); |
currentLevel.add (poll.right); |
} |
if (poll.left != null) { |
queue.add (poll.left); |
currentLevel.add (poll.left); |
} |
} |
averages.add (sum / count); |
levelMembers.add (currentLevel); |
} |
return averages.toArray (new Double[averages.size ()]); |
} |
//---- |
public boolean find(int id) { |
Node current = root; |
while (current != null) { |
if (current.data == id) { |
return true; |
} else if (current.data > id) { |
current = current.left; |
} else { |
current = current.right; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
//while deleting you need two things ! parent and isLeftChild ! |
//for the rest of the scenarios you need to go through to following considerations |
//is it root ? is it leftChild ? is it right child ? |
//Scenarios are is leaf node ? has only one right child ? has only one left child ? has two child ? |
public boolean deleteUnbalanced(int id) { |
Node parent = root; |
Node current = root; |
boolean isLeftChild = false; |
while (current.data != id) { |
parent = current; |
if (current.data > id) { |
isLeftChild = true; |
current = current.left; |
} else { |
isLeftChild = false; |
current = current.right; |
} |
if (current == null) { |
return false; |
} |
} |
//if i am here that means we have found the node |
//Case 1: if node to be deleted has no children |
if (current.left == null && current.right == null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = null; |
} |
if (isLeftChild == true) { |
parent.left = null; |
} else { |
parent.right = null; |
} |
} |
//Case 2 : if node to be deleted has only one child |
else if (current.right == null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = current.left; |
} else if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = current.left; |
} else { |
parent.right = current.left; |
} |
} else if (current.left == null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = current.right; |
} else if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = current.right; |
} else { |
parent.right = current.right; |
} |
} else if (current.left != null && current.right != null) { |
//now we have found the minimum element in the right sub tree |
Node successor = getSuccessor (current); |
if (current == root) { |
root = successor; |
} else if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = successor; |
} else { |
parent.right = successor; |
} |
successor.left = current.left; |
} |
return true; |
} |
//from right to leftmost... |
public Node getSuccessor(Node deleleNode) { |
Node successsor = null; |
Node successsorParent = null; |
Node current = deleleNode.right; |
while (current != null) { |
successsorParent = successsor; |
successsor = current; |
current = current.left; |
} |
//check if successor has the right child, it cannot have left child for sure |
//if it does have the right child, add it to the left of successorParent. |
//successsorParent |
if (successsor != deleleNode.right) { |
successsorParent.left = successsor.right; |
successsor.right = deleleNode.right; |
} |
return successsor; |
} |
public boolean delete(int x) { |
Node parent = root; |
Node current = root; |
boolean isLeftChild = false; |
while (current.data != x) { |
parent = current; |
if (current.data < x) { |
isLeftChild = false; |
current = current.right; |
} else { |
isLeftChild = true; |
current = current.left; |
} |
if (current == null) { |
return false;// not found the X in the tree |
} |
} |
if (current.left == null && current.right == null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = null; |
} |
if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = null; |
} else { |
parent.right = null; |
} |
} else if (current.right != null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = current.right; |
} |
if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = current.right; |
} else { |
parent.right = current.right; |
} |
} else if (current.left != null) { |
if (current == root) { |
root = current.left; |
} |
if (isLeftChild) { |
parent.left = current.left; |
} else { |
parent.right = current.left; |
} |
} else if (current.left != null && current.right != null) { |
Node successor = getSuccessor (current); |
if (current == root) { |
root = successor; |
} else if (isLeftChild) { |
current.left = successor; |
} else { |
current.right = successor; |
} |
successor.left = current.left; |
} |
return isLeftChild; |
} |
public void insertUnBalanced(int id) { |
Node newNode = new Node (id); |
if (root == null) { |
root = newNode; |
return; |
} |
Node current = root; |
Node parent = null; |
while (true) { |
parent = current; |
if (id < current.data) { |
current = current.left; |
if (current == null) { |
parent.left = newNode; |
return; |
} |
} else { |
current = current.right; |
if (current == null) { |
parent.right = newNode; |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//--------- |
public void allPathsToLeafNodesWithPreOrderDFS() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
stack.push (root); |
List<Deque<Integer>> paths = new ArrayList<> (); |
while (!stack.isEmpty ()) { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.print (" " + pop.data); |
if (pop.isLeaf ()) { |
Deque<Integer> path = new ArrayDeque<> (); |
Node current = pop; |
while (current != null) { |
path.add (current.data); |
current = current.parent; |
} |
paths.add (path); |
} |
if (pop.right != null) { |
pop.right.parent = pop; |
stack.push (pop.right); |
} |
if (pop.left != null) { |
pop.left.parent = pop; |
stack.push (pop.left); |
} |
} |
System.out.println ("paths = " + paths); |
} |
public void allPathsToLeafNodesWithInOrderDFS() { |
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<> (); |
List<Deque<Integer>> paths = new ArrayList<> (); |
Node current = root; |
while (!stack.isEmpty () || current != null) { |
if (current != null) { |
stack.push (current); |
if (current.left != null) current.left.parent = current; |
current = current.left; |
} else { |
Node pop = stack.pop (); |
System.out.println (" " + pop.data); |
if (pop.isLeaf ()) { |
Deque<Integer> path = new ArrayDeque<> (); |
Node now = pop; |
while (now != null) { |
path.add (now.data); |
now = now.parent; |
} |
paths.add (path); |
} |
current = pop.right; |
if (pop.right != null) pop.right.parent = pop; |
} |
} |
System.out.println ("paths = " + paths); |
} |
public void allPathsToLeafNodesWithBFS() { |
List<Deque<Integer>> paths = new ArrayList<> (); |
Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<> (); |
queue.add (root); |
while (!queue.isEmpty ()) { |
Node poll = queue.poll (); |
System.out.println ("poll = " + poll); |
if (poll.isLeaf ()) { |
Deque<Integer> path = new ArrayDeque<> (); |
Node current = poll; |
while (current != null) { |
path.add (current.data); |
current = current.parent; |
} |
paths.add (path); |
} |
if (poll.left != null) { |
poll.left.parent = poll; |
queue.add (poll.left); |
} |
if (poll.right != null) { |
poll.right.parent = poll; |
queue.add (poll.right); |
} |
} |
System.out.println ("paths = " + paths); |
} |
} |
public class Main { |
// 40 |
// 20 50 |
// 10 30 45 60 |
// 5 15 25 35 44 46 55 61 |
//4 6 14 16 24 26 34 36 43 47 54 56 62 |
// 63 |
// 64 |
// 40 20 10 5 15 30 25 35 50 45 44 46 60 55 61 |
// 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 44 45 46 50 55 60 61 |
// 5 15 10 25 35 30 20 44 46 45 55 61 60 50 40 |
public static String traversePreOrder(Node root) { |
if (root == null) { |
return ""; |
} |
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); |
sb.append (root.data); |
String pointerRight = "└──"; |
String pointerLeft = (root.right != null) ? "├──" : "└──"; |
traverseNodes (sb, "", pointerLeft, root.left, root.right != null); |
traverseNodes (sb, "", pointerRight, root.right, false); |
return sb.toString (); |
} |
public static void traverseNodes(StringBuilder sb, String padding, String pointer, Node node, boolean hasRightSibling) { |
if (node != null) { |
sb.append ("\n"); |
sb.append (padding); |
sb.append (pointer); |
sb.append (node.data); |
StringBuilder paddingBuilder = new StringBuilder (padding); |
if (hasRightSibling) { |
paddingBuilder.append ("│ "); |
} else { |
paddingBuilder.append (" "); |
} |
String paddingForBoth = paddingBuilder.toString (); |
String pointerRight = "└──"; |
String pointerLeft = (node.right != null) ? "├──" : "└──"; |
traverseNodes (sb, paddingForBoth, pointerLeft, node.left, node.right != null); |
traverseNodes (sb, paddingForBoth, pointerRight, node.right, false); |
} |
} |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
Tree tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println ("Before deletion --"); |
String s = traversePreOrder (tree.root); |
System.out.println (s); |
tree.deleteUnbalanced (40); |
System.out.println ("After insertion --"); |
s = traversePreOrder (tree.root); |
System.out.println (s); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println ("Before insertion --"); |
s = traversePreOrder (tree.root); |
System.out.println (s); |
tree.insertUnBalanced (12); |
System.out.println ("After insertion --"); |
s = traversePreOrder (tree.root); |
System.out.println (s); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println ("PreOrder --"); |
tree.preOrderIterative (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println ("InOrder --"); |
tree.inOrderIterative (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println ("PostOrder --"); |
tree.postOrderIterative (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (" Size : " + tree.size ()); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- tree height--"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (" Height : " + tree.height ()); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- bfs recursive--"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
tree.bfsRecursive (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- bfs iterative --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
tree.bfsIterative (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- each level average iterative --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
tree.averageInEachLevel (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- each level average iterative 2 --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
tree.averageInEachLevel2 (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- maxDepth --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.findMaxDepth (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- totalNodeWeights --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.traverseAndCalculateNodeTotalWeightTop2Bottom (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- findMinDepthToLeafNode --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.findMinDepth (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- findMinDepthToLeafNode --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.bfsIterativeBottom2Top (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- allPaths2LeafNodesWithPreOrderDFS --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.allPathsToLeafNodesWithPreOrderDFS (); |
System.out.println (""); |
System.out.println ("-- allPaths2LeafNodesWithInOrderDFS --"); |
tree = buildTree (); |
System.out.println (""); |
tree.allPathsToLeafNodesWithInOrderDFS (); |
System.out.println (""); |
} |
// 40 |
// 20 50 |
// 10 30 45 60 |
// 15 25 35 55 61 |
// 14 16 24 26 34 36 54 56 62 |
// 63 |
// 64 |
private static Tree buildTree() { |
Tree tree = new Tree (); |
Node root = new Node (400); |
tree.root = root; |
tree.root.left = new Node (200); |
tree.root.right = new Node (500); |
tree.root.left.left = new Node (100); |
tree.root.left.right = new Node (300); |
tree.root.right.left = new Node (450); |
tree.root.right.right = new Node (600); |
tree.root.left.left.left = new Node (50); |
tree.root.left.left.right = new Node (150); |
tree.root.left.right.left = new Node (250); |
tree.root.left.right.right = new Node (350); |
tree.root.right.left.left = new Node (440); |
tree.root.right.left.right = new Node (460); |
tree.root.right.right.left = new Node (550); |
tree.root.right.right.right = new Node (610); |
tree.root.right.right.left.left = new Node (540); |
tree.root.right.right.left.right = new Node (560); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left = new Node (40); |
tree.root.left.left.left.right = new Node (60); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.left = new Node (35); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right = new Node (45); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right.left = new Node (44); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right.right = new Node (48); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right.right.left = new Node (47); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right.right.right = new Node (49); |
tree.root.left.left.left.left.right.left.left = new Node (43); |
tree.root.left.left.right.left = new Node (140); |
tree.root.left.left.right.right = new Node (160); |
tree.root.left.right.left.left = new Node (240); |
tree.root.left.right.left.right = new Node (260); |
tree.root.left.right.right.left = new Node (340); |
tree.root.left.right.right.right = new Node (360); |
tree.root.right.left.left.left = new Node (430); |
tree.root.right.left.right.right = new Node (470); |
tree.root.right.right.right.right = new Node (620); |
tree.root.right.right.right.right.right = new Node (630); |
tree.root.right.right.right.right.right.right = new Node (640); |
return tree; |
} |
} |